our Abruzzo experience

our Abruzzo experience

Long time no see, dear reader. I´ve been so busy lately, that i haven´t managed to write here. I promise it won´t happen again, i promise that ;)

Now, who knows or has visited Abruzzo?

For those who haven´t, Abruzzo is this beautiful region in Southern Italy, not far from Rome. It is also known as one of the greenest regions in Europe because it has 3 national parks, 1 regional park and 38 protected nature reserves.

I won´t write more numbers here, cuz i´m not a number person, so i´ll tell you a little bit about the places we saw.

1. Pescara

We sleeped in Pescara. The city is lovely, what i loved most was the evenings, all full of people on the streets, very similar to when i lived in Spain. They also have a large beach.

2. Spoltore

Is a charming little town not far from Pescara. They were having a local festivity, everyone was involved, they had music, kids singing and good food, oh, the food. We all ate together in the main square.

3. Sulmona

Is the home of the confetti, traditional sweets made of sugar coated almonds. They are traditionally given to friends on weddings or to friends on special occasions. It is also the home of the famous poet Ovidius. 

4. Corfinio

I was very surprised to hear that the name of Italy, like we know it today, was first used here, because Corfinio was the capital of the ancient central Italic people, say what?? ;)

5. Raiano

The locals in Raiano were celebrating the Maggiolata, the cherry festivity!!! Imagine that!! Me at at a cherry festival!!! Happy kid! We also visited the San Venanzio Ermitage in the Riserva Gole San Venanzio, so much green everywhere.

6. Scanno

Maybe one of the most famous places in Abruzzo and also one of our favorites. We met the major, his friends, the local jewellery designer, the local cheese maker, we had dinner together and ate the best cheese ever, or course! ;) I always say i love Italians and i really do. If you get their humour, you´d totally understand me! I especially loved how passionate the locals were about their town, their people, the local industry and the beautiful surroundings. Our evening ended at a concert in memory of Henry Mancini, the composer of the Pink Panther theme, whose father was born in Scanno. 

7. Palena

It is one of the stops of the Transiberiana train tour, a really nice tour, i´ve heard. They were celebrating the wild flower festival in town, it was sunny and the view from up the town tower was quite lovely. After that we had the best lunch ever! They say the food in Abruzzo is awesome, well, you have to go and see it for yourself! ;)

8. San Vito

This was our last stop from the our Abruzzo tour. We went there for their Cala Lenta food street festival and also for the Trabocco, which used to be typical fishermen houses by the see and now are used also for tourists, as restaurants in summer. We watched the sunset and flew the drone.

Yes, that was our Abruzzo experience. Now, ask me what i liked most ;)

Hmmm, you really want to know? Ok, if you insist...


My favorite parts: the food (daaah!!), the people (but i guess i already told you that) A special thanks to Open Day Abruzzo for organizing everything for us and to all the guides that showed us around, watched us taking pictures (and oh, that can take a while, you know? ;) and talked with passion about their cities and villages.

Oh, and last, but not least, i loved the fact that Abruzzo has both mountains and the sea. The locals told us they can go skiing in the morning and finish the day at the beach in the afternoon. I mean... ;)







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