la vita è bella (italy part 1)

la vita è bella (italy part 1)

Italy, hmm, why is life so molto bella there?

Well, i believe it is their amore for life, their history, the food they eat and their attitude to make chaos and disorder look attractive and loudly speaking so very..Italian, you know..lovable, that´s the word! That´s it, that´s what makes it so special, its authenticity! Because you cannot not love Italy, you simply can! And if you tell me you still don´t, then there must be an error somewhere. Please return, contact administrator and try again! wink!

Anyways, images are worth a thousand words, so i won´t write much about Italy´s charm here, because you just saw it in our video, which by the way, hope you enjoyed.

Now, what´s left to say, you might ask. A little, only, about my own experience. When we heard Acaya Golf Resort was inviting us to spend some days there, we were like, hello!!! Who turns down an Italy trip?? Not us!! ;) Besides, we hadn´t been to the Salento region yet and felt happy to have the opportunity to explore it with some fellow instagrammers from Europe and also from Italy. Oh, you don´t know where this region is? Italy´s map has this boot form, right? Well the tacco! (Ups! I talk about Italy and i start using Italian words, lol!) Tacco means heel! Salento is actually the heel of the boot ;) Cool, or what? (and by the way, i´m pretending to know so much about Italy here, but believe me, had no idea at first, i only learned it there, lol)

If you´ve seen the FRIENDS episode (i know, i´m from that generation) when Joey likes Rachel´s cake? Meat...good

Well same here:

  • Food...good (great actually, their vegetables do taste much better than in other places)
  • hotel and resort...good!
  • private little garden with a bougainvillea plant for our room...lovely!
  • people...even lovelier!
  • little farm!

In this trip i´ve also had the best parmesan cheese ever!! The best kiwis (and also biggest i´ve ever seen) and the best and sweetest cucumbers! I ate some at the Masseria Fossa and thought it was pear at first! ;)

Now, enough is enough, more of our #JSHexperienceACAYA, like a trip to beautiful town Lecce, and many more, soon on the next blog and vlog ;)

  • the resort
  • our little bike trip to the next village, Acaia
  • the masseria (farm)

***video: husband

***pictures, mostly me, some husband (99% iPhone 6 and 2-3 pictures Lumix 100)

thank you for reading,








forever young, i want to be forever young...

forever young, i want to be forever young...

felt like Anna Karenina...

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