pimp up your parka ;)

pimp up your parka ;)

So, here i am, as promised, with the #fashionfriday section, this time sharing with you a little DIY project.

The parka has been one of the most fashionable winter wear items these last years. The coat was actually invented long time ago by the Inuit people living near the Artic Circle  and the word is of Russian derivation, meaning "reindeer fur coat". Pretty different from our polyester and cotton parkas, right?

Now, back to our times, the parka started with the normal brown fur, then they also made them with leather sleeves and now the colorful fake fur. Olivia Palermo was one of the most important parka trendsetters, where the new ones were made popular by Nicole Benisti  and bloggers Kiara Ferragni and Aimee Song this last winter and i believe we´ll find them in every store the next season. Mark my words, haha!

That´s why i´ll show you my parka DIY inspiration ;)


  • your old parka
  • a colorful fake fur scarf to replace the old one. I used burgundy and blue, but you can use black, white, pink, or even yellow neon. I bough the burgundy scarf from Forever 21 (17 euros) and the blue fur from Zara Home on sale, only 8 reduced from 46, say what???
  • a sewing machine, needle and thread, scissors and buttons (in case the parka hood doesn´t have any)

I know Spring is almost here, but you can still wear your parka when the air is chilly matching it with spring-ishy stripes, like the outfits below ;)



And to show you how much i love my new parka, here a little video :D

p.s. little secret, my mom made the parka changes for me, cuz i didn´t have any time ;)

***pictures some me, some husband

***video: husband

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