Hey new year, nice to meet you ;)

Hey new year, nice to meet you ;)

so long 2015, hello 2016..

Can you guys believe one year is already over? Time amazes me, one second is the present, the next is already the past...oh my!

Anyways, whether we like it or not, time flies and life happens, right?

Today is the first day of the year, i spent it home, with husband, drinking coffee, talking, laughing (a lot, cuz the guy is actually very funny :), taking some pictures (me), editing videos (him) writing this and eating kiwi :) A perfect start so far...oh, and it also snowed. 

So, i felt like writing a little bit about this last year, because i loooved it. It was challenging in many ways, but it was good to me, compared to the last ones. I´m healthy, i live in this new apartment with my favorite person, Mango is getting cuter every day, i have an interesting job, i´ve done some traveling, i´ve met wonderful people and...man, i´ve learnt a lot. Life keeps teaching me new lessons every day. I look back and i ask myself how come i don´t know nothing at all sometimes? :D This being said, i´m quite happy right now, not in a "look what a great life i have" way, but in a grateful and positive one.

And because 2015 set the bar high, i´m making some new resolutions.

"Note to self:

Dear self, i want to make you proud, i promise i´ll learn from my mistakes. i´ll be healthier, i´ll cook, run, read and work more. I´ll make a living of what makes me happy, i´ll try to be wiser, but oh, that´s the hardest thing to do and being courageous, these two are so difficult..

i´ll eat more cherries and i´ll travel the world.."

..and talking about traveling, Raresh just edited the first part of our trip to Berlin. It is actually us getting ready and at the airport, we´ll post the second part sometime soon.

In the meanwhile, enjoy your weekend dears, i sure will ;)

love, i

picture: me, video: husband

20 curious facts you didn´t know about Berlin..

20 curious facts you didn´t know about Berlin..

farewell 2015

farewell 2015